Friday, May 9, 2008


So the local radio station here 101.9 the end, they had a big celebration for playing their 1000000 song. They gave away a car and had fun stuff for the kids to do. Though the reason we went was to see Kerli, Rosalind loves her music. It was a fun evening. Afterwards we went to Fundruckers for dinner.

Here is Kerli

And we had to stay after to meet her and take pictures, Rosalind was so happy.

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Tonya said...

Those are cute. Funny that Rosalind's already into music. What happened to the girls make up? Did she cry?? Those are cute though!

Unknown said...

Hi! i was looking up pictures of Kerli and happened upon your blog!! I have to say I am very jealous of you. I've just recently discovered Kerli's amazing music, and you got to see her live! I hope she comes her soon. I live all the way over in Oregon... but hey ya never know!