Saturday, May 31, 2008

Bye Bye kittens

The kittens have a new home now! Sunday before church I put and add up on and before we got hem that afternoon I had a message on my phone for someone to come and see them. Luckly she decided that she wanted both of them. Yay, I love ksl! She seems like A nice girl and I am sure the kittns will be very happy. So this is Rosalind saying goodbye to the kittens, and them with their new mommy.

Here are our cats Lucy and Aslan! I kid you not this is how they feel asleep on sunday! I think that Aslan was consoling Lucy after the kittens left.
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1 comment:

brandi said...

ha,ha! This pic of the cats sleeping is so classic! You could sell it to cat-loving post-card-making people. Glad the babies found a good home!