Thursday, August 19, 2010

Education Week

I know everyone is asking "Kate what have you been doing this week?" Well this is it,
Education Week at BYU. Then they ask "well what is education week?" So Education week is like a grown up Bible camp for my non-Mormon friends, or for my those who are Mormon its like EFY but with less dancing, singing, and general craziness. So that means thousands of people going to classes to learn to be better people, parents, and to come closer to Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. Not a bad was to spend a week.
So far I have only been to the classes I have been to one class other than the ones I was assigned to volunteer for, but my lovely husband is taking the day off so I can spend all day there. What a good husband. So off I go to get ready for the day of learning how to make Kate a better person.
I want to do this again next year, but I think I might pay to go instead of volunteering so I can go to whatever I want all week long, hopefully I can get Joe to come next year too. Good bonding time don't you think.

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